How retail FX brokers can optimise across jurisdictions

When the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) introduced its new trading rules in 2018, retail brokers had to rethink their strategies due to the more demanding regulatory environment and the corresponding squeeze in profits. In particular, following the Product Intervention Measures, brokers have been looking beyond Europe in order to diversify their client base and maintain volumes. 

Many of these firms have, alongside their core businesses, started entities in offshore jurisdictions and with this growth has come the requirement for significantly more complex setups across trading, technology, staff and licensing, which has driven up costs. 


Consolidate and conquer

IS Prime has specialised in working with many of the largest retail brokers globally creating very bespoke setups across their technology and liquidity and for their specific organizational structures. Due to this we have been perfectly placed in this new regulatory environment to continue to offer a service that suits each broker individually, rather than relying on a ‘one size fits all’ model. 

This has allowed us to help clients reduce their costs by creating a streamlined structure ensuring that brokers do not have to struggle with multiple jurisdictions and complex technology implementations, nor incur additional charges for new licences. 

IS Prime looks at each customer from a single viewpoint and consolidates their set-up ensuring that that trading structures are streamlined, and that infrastructure costs are kept to a minimum.

By offering such optimisation through consolidation, IS Prime helps clients navigate new jurisdictions worldwide. 

IS Prime’s global view 

Optimise Map

In the wake of ESMA, retail FX brokers diversifying their business into new geographies need to work with liquidity providers who have a global perspective. With a firm understanding of how clients need to operate across different geographies, and the technology to enable multiple entities to be seen as one. IS Prime offers an end-to-end solution, combining commercial and technological flexibility in a way that facilitates integration and control.   

Clients have the full benefit of our industry experience, regulatory knowledge, and commercial vision. Moreover, this global view is backed by IS Prime’s comprehensive technology platform. 

Wherever your business is moving, IS Prime will ensure you expand your trading reach without the complexity and cost of new contracts.